Five Star Hotel Systems
4.900 A/R Email Stmts POS chits and CEO's
4.899 B & C Monthly Business Detail Report
4.898 F5 Room Type Totals Std/Suites
4.897 User Created Letters from Webres
4.896 Group History File system
4.895 Send a Text right from Five Star!!!
4.894 Group History Retained Now
4.893 EFT for Accounts Payable
4.892 Mobile Phone Field
4.891 Training Reports in Timekeeper
4.890 POS Sales by Category Rpt Changed
4.889 Don't show cancelled events
4.888 B&C Reference field in Find Lookup
4.887 A La Carte Add-Ons Report
4.886 B&C print folio # on CEO
4.885 A/R Hist. Inq. Links to Folio
4.884 A/R Cash Receipts Folio Lookup
4.883 A/R added folio # to Cash Receipts
4.882 F5 Availability Screen Suites/Stand
4.881 General Ledger Can Reverse Entries
4.880 Webres can take number of nights or
4.879 Banquet & Catering Notes Bigger
4.878 TripAdvisor integration
4.877 Flip.to integration
4.876 POS wireless integration part 2
4.875 POS wireless tableside integration
4.874 Upload Reservations from Other Syst
4.873 F1 Context Sensitive Help Updated
4.872 Notes on PCI Compliancy
4.871 Menus Restructured a Bit
4.870 Google Analytics
4.869 Pick up res in F6 screen
4.868 F6 Shows Deposits
4.867 F6 Shows Last Name First
4.866 Reservations Can be 0 Adults
4.865 Moneris Vault
4.864 Confirmation Letters by Rate Type
4.863 Sheets and Towel service
4.862 Reg Card Button on Reservations scr
4.861 VIP and Badlisted Guests
4.860 Daily Log Book
4.859 Web Designer Instructions
4.858 Email with link to TripAdvisor
4.857 Notify me about special offers button
4.856 Receive an email when your survey
4.855 Booking engine quantities
4.854 Newer look for booking engine
4.853 Link to YouTube for booking engine
4.852 Slide show photos for booking engine
4.851 New widget for booking engine
4.850 Payroll tax tables for 2014
4.849 Online Survey Goes Mobile
4.848 Expedia ETP Supported
4.847 Hotel - Put Adjoining Rooms OOO
4.846 B&C Link 5 Room Together
4.845 Booking.com Interface
4.844 July 2013 Tax Tables
4.843 Email folio to corp acct or customer
4.842 Profit Views feature added
4.841 Pick up groups has a # guests col.
4.840 Estimated Balance includes bill-to
4.839 Clean up pdf and Smartviewer files
4.838 Colour!for special dates
4.836 Yield Mgmt. min. stay by room type
4.835 Gift Card balance on folio or chit
4.834 Attach invoices to email A/R stmt
4.833 PO # on Banquet & Catering
4.832 PO # in A/R Inquiry
4.831 P.O. Mandatory Flag by company
4.830 Taxes calculate to 3 decimal places
4.829 Credit Card Balancing Report
4.828 Gift Card purge
4.827 New report writer codes
4.826 TravLynx booking engine
4.825 Simply Premuim GL export format
4.824 Collate B&C event orders by date
4.823 Work Order sends an email
4.822 Note feature added to Timekeeper
4.821 Close out booking engines
4.820 Use F2 for pickups in Reservation
4.819 Prevent split chit reprints
4.818 Prohibit POS discounts at Category
4.817 Room Number Swap
4.816 Penny rounding
4.815 Five Star Prints Gift Certificates
4.814 Credit Limits
4.813 Purchase Order field mandatory
4.812 Tax Exempt flags in report writers
4.811 Guest Survey Scores
4.810 Banquet & Catering Event Registration
4.809 New Word merge CEO for B&C
4.808 PO Number in A/R
4.807 Banquet & Catering New Reports
4.806 January 2013 Payroll Table Update
4.805 A/R Statements can be emailed
4.804 Hotel Interfaces and OTA
4.803 Payroll Email Earnings Statements
4.802 Word Merge - 2 reg cards per sheet
4.801 Book multiple room type
4.800 Credit Card Integration works over
Terminal Services
4.799 Banquet & Catering CEO changes
4.798 July 2012 Payroll Tax Table Update
4.797 Reg card printing changes
4.796 Expedia credit card payment. EVC
4.795 Better Rate/ Channel Management
4.794 Enhanced Rate/Channel Management
4.793 Print folio from guest history
4.792 Webres foils Bots!
4.791 Expedia Interface improvements
4.790 Expedia automatically creates share
4.789 Genares multiple rate plans
4.788 Don't allow rooms out of order
4.787 Corp lookup on F7
4.796 Banquet & Catering screen bigger
4.785 Webres goes Mobile
4.784 Call Accounting has 50 near area codes
4.783 Earning Statements can print w/o SIN
4.782 Rate Card Setup can Copy by Season
4.781 End of Day Res Log now Shows Day of
4.780 Webres - Suite and Rate Choice
4.779 Moneris Chip and Pin (EMV)
4.778 Guest Surveys by email (part 2)
4.777 Guest Surveys by email (part 1)
4.776 Report writer conditions function
4.775 Date Entry Enhancement
4.774 Post Departure Thank You Emails
4.773 Pre Arrival Reminder Emails
4.772 Night Audit Auto Emails
4.771 Mass Emailouts
4.770 Word Merge Letters
4.769 Repeat Guest Information
4.768 New Wide Folio Look
4.767 Guest History Resolution
4.766 Yes Pay/Chase Paymentech Credit
Card Integration Interface
4.765 IHotelier Interface
4.764 Expedia Interface Improvements
4.763 Night Audit Improvements
4.762 Limited Ability to create Corporate
4.761 Store Credit Card #'s in history of up to
99 nights
4.760 Bedrooms added to Catering Event
4.759 Property Improvement Plan Report
4.758 Payroll T4's can only Print 2 Copies
4.757 Email address for payroll employees
4.756 Accounting for room rate discounts
4.755 Housekeeping report summary stats
4.754 Housekeeping report new information
4.753 Hand scanner interface for timekeeper
4.752 Payroll Tax Tables for 2011
4.751 Internet res. - group booking dates
4.750 Internet res. - hold back rooms
4.749 Internet res. - room type selection
4.748 Internet res. - remembers guest inf
4.747 Internet res. - promo code feature
4.746 Hotel - room type sequence
4.745 Internet res. - room type sequence
4.744 Internet res. - detailed amenities
4.743 Internet res. - get more reservation
Recent Enhancements: